Biography Film Festival

Fantastic Fest Review: Amazing Surprises in ‘The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee’

(Originally published on Blogcritics.org)

The North American premiere of The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee screened at Fantastic Fest 2024 which took place September 19 to 26, in Austin, Texas. The nineteenth edition of the nation’s largest genre festival featured over 90 films including horror, sci-fi, fantasy, restored classics and documentaries about these genres and their filmmakers and stars.

The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee presented a most unusual biography for a most unusual man. I chose to watch this film because I have been a fan of Christopher Lee for as long as I can remember.


Not Type Cast

You might hear the name “Christopher Lee” and think, “Oh, that horror movie guy.” But he was anything but type cast.

His first film, Corridor of Mirrors, a mystery, hit the big screen before I was born. While I was in grammar school, he played Frankenstein’s monster and Dracula, and when I made it to my 50’s he was Saruman in Lord of the Rings movies and Count Dooku in the Star Wars films. Along the way, he played both Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes, Fu Manchu, pirates, scientists, a James Bond villain and a prince of Egypt.

Most people remember Christopher Lee as Dracula

And not everything was serious or scary. He appeared on TV shows, including Tales of Hans Anderson, How the West Was Won, Charlie’s Angels and Faerie Tale Theatre.

The detail filled in about the real man, not the characters that everyone knows, makes the film fascinating. By the end of the film, I felt that I had met him for the very first time.

Not Clichéd Doc

This biography communicated with a documentary format different from what most film goers expect to see.

Golden Gun
Lee as a Bond villain in ‘The Man with the Golden Gun’

It did include, as with most documentaries, “talking heads” – people who appeared and reappeared throughout the film to give us information about the subject of the film. The film also had clips from his work, interviews, documentary footage, and behind the scenes moments with Lee and his friends.

Two elements made this film special.

First, his family had a history going back to the Middle Ages and came from Italian aristocracy. Several animators created sequences, in different styles, to bring to life various moments in the history of Lee and his family.

Second, a marionette – that’s one of those puppets controlled by strings from above – of Christopher Lee narrated (with the help of actor Peter Serafinowicz) the story of his life. Done with tongue firmly planted in cheek, the effect was amusing. After a while, it seemed totally natural.

Those Talking Heads

Christopher Lee’s story begins with his youth. A father who abandoned him. A second father from whom he got the very un-Italian name of “Lee”. His adventures in WWII, which he suggested might have been at least a partial inspiration for the character of James Bond. Then acting. As with most actors whose careers stretch over decades, there were ups and downs, and his friends, and his puppet detail these for us.

First film
In his first film, ‘The Corridor of Mirrors”, 1948, with Edana Romney

I learned many things about Lee including aspects and periods of his career I was clueless about. This is a delightful and fascinating biography, done like none other. Those talking heads I mentioned include Peter Jackson, John Landis, and Joe Dante. They know how to tell a story, and you will come away knowing Christopher Lee like he had been your friend for decades.

The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee will become available for viewing in 2025.

For information about next year’s Fantastic Fest, check their social media on Facebook, their X page, and Instagram.

Leo Sopicki
I focus my creative efforts on celebrating the American virtues of self-reliance, individual initiative, volunteerism, tolerance and a healthy suspicion of power and authority. I write about other subjects at my personal blog (http://leosopicki.com/). I also have a Martian friend who posts here: https://leoofmars.com/ .

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