Romance Science Fiction

Virtual Anthem Film Review – Freedom to Be, Move, and Give Birth

(Originally published on Anthem Film Festival, part of FreedomFest, had to, like most everything else in the world this year, go virtual. It took its selection of features and documentaries exploring issues around social and political liberty online, but that didn’t stop it from living up to its motto of “individuality, choice, and accountability”. […]

Documentary Film Festival

Virtual Anthem Film Review – Shorts that Make You Think

(Originally published on Short films add the seasoning to film festivals. In between the feature length films, bits of humor, intellectual stimulation, and emotional tugs make the experience special. This year’s Anthem Film Festival, the tenth annual, had its share of short film spice. Like most everything else in the world, Anthem, scheduled to […]

Anthem libertarian comedy
Comedy Documentary Film Festival

Anthem Film Festival: Do Right-Wingers Have a Sense of Humor?

Do right-wingers (meaning conservatives, libertarians and anyone who would not be caught dead wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt) have a sense of humor? You might not think so, if your main sources of news have been John Stewart and Lena Dunham piped into your safe space on a politically correct campus. I have, however, seen right-wing humor in the wild, often at previous iterations of the Anthem Film Festival, and I have laughed and survived.

Action Drama Film Festival

Anthem FilmFest: Plato, Revolting, and Mendocino – All in a Cave

Ancient Greek philosopher Plato put in a couple of appearances at the Anthem Film Festival in Las Vegas, July 8-11. Two of the short films showed influence, if not direct inspiration, by Plato’s tale of the cave, written 2,500 years ago. The films, ‘The Cage’ and ‘Helio’ both deserve praise for supporting the human quest for freedom and individualism. Cinematically, ‘Helio’ was a winner and ‘The Cage’ was not.